Small Print
All rates are current for 30 days after the date printed on the quote. If 30 days have lapsed and you wish to make a booking I will inform you if there has been a price change. For larger jobs you will be asked for a 10 per cent deposit. My time will be booked for your project on receipt of your payment.
Invoices and payment
- Invoices are issued on completion of the work.
- There is a minimum charge of one hour for a job.
- All invoices have a due date on them.
- Payments can be made by internet banking (via PayPal or directly).
Remember that some documents need more work than others and this can affect the time it takes me to edit and the cost to you. I cannot give you a good idea of how much you will pay unless I see what I will be working on. All samples are treated with the strictest confidence.
Monthly statement
If you have regular or recurring work, you may be eligible for monthly invoicing. Each job I do for you during the month is charged out to the nearest 15 minutes (minimum block 30 minutes) and itemised at the end of the month on one statement. You pay one account per month, saving you and your accounts department time. Contact me to talk about this service. A minimum charge of five hours per month applies to this option.
Late payment
If you find yourself unable to pay your invoice when it is due, please contact me so we can discuss a payment plan. If you do not contact me, you will incur a 10 per cent late payment penalty for every week past the invoice due date. If your invoice remains unpaid, then I may use a third party to collect the debt after a reasonable length of time has lapsed. You will be liable for any costs incurred in the collection of the debt. Before engaging the third party, I will endeavour to contact you by whatever means I have to notify you of my intention.
Work scope and completion
I will carry out the work for you as quoted. If there is a significant change to the length of time needed to complete it or to the scope of the work, I will contact you as soon as possible to discuss it.
I advise all my clients to read their document through fully before sending to the recipient or publishing it. I do my professional best to remove all errors and draw your attention to any ambiguities. However, as the author, you are responsible for the meaning of the words after all comments and corrections have been incorporated.
Privacy policy
I collect personal information from you, including your name and contact information.
I collect your personal information in order to maintain contact with you while carrying out work for you and to make contact with you to advise of occasional office closures.
Providing this information is optional. However, if you choose not to enter your name or contact details I will be unable to carry out your work.
You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information I hold about you and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you would like to ask for a copy of your information or to have it corrected, please contact me at or +64211370318.
All documents I receive from you are treated with the strictest confidence. I will only share these documents with a third party with your prior approval. If you wish for your document to be deleted from my computer storage on completion of the project, please advise me at that time. Otherwise, I keep all documents for up to one year (in the case of regular clients).
If you give me access to your proprietary system, I will only use this access to carry out the editing I am engaged to perform. I will not provide a third party with access to your data without your prior approval.
I may include on my website any comments you have made to me regarding my work. I will use your first name only. You have the right to request I remove your name.
Contact me today to find out more.